Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Next Big Thing Book Project

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Plunge, tells of August Asher’s life altering season at a Children’s Hospital that includes: learning to accept the death of her fiancĂ©, discovering the dying children have mysteriously curative powers and rediscovering her gifted ability to connect with these children because of her own near death experience endured as a child.
What genre does your book fall under?
Where did the idea for the book come from?
This book idea was born during a season of immense sadness. My then six-month-old son had been diagnosed with a rare medical condition that predicted potentially grave outcomes for his future development. Because the condition is a spectrum disorder, the first step was to determine how severe things actually were. The disorder can result in complete blindness, absence of certain portions of the brain, underdeveloped pituitary glands and, if not properly addressed, death. I spent the next two years in and out of various hospital wards having my son tested, signing off on surgeries, praying in hospital chapels and writing. When it was eventually determined that my son was “one of the lucky ones” as one doctor said, because he has full sight in one of his eyes, and a fully developed brain and pituitary gland, I packed my son up and we finally headed home. Months later I found myself going through one of his old diaper bags and scribbled on prescription pads, hospital letter head, brochures and even the back of a chaplain’s prayer card, I found excerpts of stories I had begun to write. A few more months later it became increasingly clear that Ray Bradbury’s quote, “You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you” had become true in my own life. The reality of what the doctors were saying became too much for my mothering heart to bear. Consequently, I created a fantasy greater than my reality only to find that it wasn’t a fantasy all. Miracles do still come true and the people I met in the Children’s Hospital inspired me to write about the Truth. Thus, in hindsight, this book was born during a season of immense triumph.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?
The first draft has taken about three years. However, parts of my second draft have been reworked so much so that they feel like entirely new drafts. As a result, maybe I am still writing the first draft.
Who or what inspired you to write this book?
My son inspired me to write this book because he has proven to be stronger than I ever could be. I am also inspired by the handful of nameless children who smiled, often while their parents cried, who sang, who danced, who laughed and who told reality to, “suck it!”
Who will publish your book?
I don’t want to place limitations on such a thing, but it would likely have to be a publisher interested in stories that push the bounds of reality. 
What other works would you compare this book to within your genre?
Below are books I have found inspiration from:
1)      Octavia’s Butler, Kindred
2)      Ian McDonald, The Dervish House
3)      C.S. Lewis, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?
August: Regina King
Child August: A potentially undiscovered new child actress
Jackson: Michael Ealy
Devon: John Krasinski
Sarah: Eva Mendez
Hospital Children: Additional undiscovered child actors
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
My hope is that Plunge reminds all people to reintroduce themselves to the wise and resilient child living inside.
Thanks, again, Cassandra Lane Rich, for tagging me.  Here is my tag:
·            Xoaquima Diaz (whose forthcoming memoir, Crash, details her experience surviving a plane crash, the subsequent years she spent crippled by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and her journey through a multiple-pronged treatment approach for PTSD.